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    Masters of retrofitting buildings


           武漢巨成結構集團股份有限公司(前稱(chēng)為武大巨成結構股份有限公司)是由武漢大學(xué)和教授團隊共同發(fā)起創(chuàng )辦,1999年12月8日在國家工商總局注冊的國家高新技術(shù)企業(yè),國家級專(zhuān)精特新“小巨人企業(yè),湖北省上市后備“金種子”企業(yè)。

           公司總部位于東湖國家高新區的武大科技園內,擁有一棟由巨成結構應用自己專(zhuān)利打造的十九層清水混凝土總部辦公大樓和產(chǎn)品生產(chǎn)基地。公司旗下?lián)碛芯蕹裳芯吭?、營(yíng)銷(xiāo)公司、檢測公司、設計公司、材料公司、工程公司,集研究開(kāi)發(fā)、檢測鑒定、設計咨詢(xún)、銷(xiāo)售與施工于一體,形成完整建筑物改造的產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈。公司的營(yíng)銷(xiāo)網(wǎng)絡(luò )設置有華中大區、華北大區、南方大區、華東大區、西南大區、東北大區和西北大區共七個(gè)大區。七個(gè)大區將在全國所有省會(huì )城市和直轄市設代表處。

           公司已申報和獲得國際與國內發(fā)明專(zhuān)利近400項,并以自己的專(zhuān)利為核心內容主編了九部中國工程建設標準化協(xié)會(huì )標準,和六部湖北省地方標準,參編國家標準和行業(yè)標準十八部。獲得的主要榮譽(yù)包括:三峽集團授予的“樣板工作面”、國家工信部“知識產(chǎn)權轉化標桿企業(yè)”、中國水力發(fā)電科學(xué)技術(shù)特等獎等。

           公司的主業(yè)是服務(wù)于既有建筑物的整體改造,包括建筑功能改造、建筑外觀(guān)改造、建筑結構加固、建筑的環(huán)保與耐久性改造等。公司擁有相應的產(chǎn)品生產(chǎn)標準和各類(lèi)資質(zhì),已為工業(yè)與民用建筑、能源、交通、水利、市政等各行各業(yè)實(shí)施了逾 6000 個(gè)項目的改造工程。 

             巨成結構最核心的創(chuàng )新點(diǎn)在于,能用巨成的綜合科技實(shí)力,將老舊的建筑物改造成具有現代功能的建筑物,從而可以為客戶(hù)創(chuàng )造最優(yōu)價(jià)值,可以最大限度地減少建筑垃圾排放,為人類(lèi)提供建筑宜居環(huán)境。      




    WUHAN JUCHENG STRUCTURE GROUP CO., LTD. (formerly known as Wuhan University Jucheng Structural Group Co., Ltd.), a national SRDI  "little giant" enterprise and Hubei province "gold-seed" backup listed enterprise initiated and established by Wuhan University and a team of professors, is a national high-tech enterprise registered at the SAIC on Dec. 8th , 1999.

    The headquarter, situated at Wuhan University Science and Technology Park, is composed of a 19-storey office block of As-cast Finish Concrete and a production base built with Jucheng Structure's own patents. With Jucheng Research Institute, Marketing Branch, Inspection Branch, Designing Branch, Material Branch, and Engineering Branch, we have integrated R&D, inspection and appraisal, designing and consultation, marketing and construction, forming a complete industry chain of architecture rehabilitation. Our marketing network is divided into Central China Region, North China Region, South China Region, East China Region, Southwest Region, Northeast Region and Northwest Region, with which their branch offices have been respectively affiliated in all the provincial cities and municipalities across China. 

    Jucheng has applied for and obtained nearly 400 international and domestic innovative patents, compiled 9 CECS standards and 6 Hubei provincial standards, and co-edited 18 national and industrial standards featuring its own patents and won the main honors, including Model Working Face awarded by China Three Gorges Corporation, “Model Enterprise of Intellectual Property Commercialization awarded by MIIT, Grand Prize of China Hydropower Science and Technology.

    Our main business has provided the overall rehabilitation for existing buildings, including structural improvements in functions and appearance, structural reinforcement, and environmental protection and durability. Besides, we have production standards and various qualifications in place, and completed more than 6,000 cases of rehabilitation projects, covering industrial and civil buildings, energy, transportation, water conservancy, and municipal works.

    Our innovative highlight aims to transform old buildings into modern counterparts through our comprehensive strength in science and technology, thus achieving the optimum value for customers, reducing the construction waste to the maximum and creating the livable environment for human beings.

    With the best service for customers, Jucheng has stepped up efforts to be the Artist of Architecture Rehabilitation!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ( July,2023 Edition)                                                    

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